Sunday, September 6, 2009

A job well done by everyone today!

I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful Berkshire weather!

A job well done by everyone today! Our loss to Adams 2-1 was the best I've seen us play with everyone giving 110% So proud of the girls!

A little disturbed at the very end of the game as one player sat on field injured while the clock kept ticking - I explained to our girls, "things happen", shake it off, smile and feel glad that we were able to play so well. Game could have gone either way, unfortunately unlucky for us.

Practice will be Tuesday / Thursday 3:15 to 5:00. I will get down to Muddy Brook field by 3:15. For those of you who have goalie gloves, pleas bring them!

We need everyone to participate in goal. We will practice shots on goal, agression drills, and always to include fitness!

Have an a nice weekend. See you on Tuesday. As always, parents, "thank you" for your support!

Coach Sherrie & Coach Jess

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