Monday, September 21, 2009

2009-09-20 Dalton 0-1 BHills

Both Sherrie and I were very proud of our U12 girls this weekend.

I was glad to see things yesterday afternoon. They showed such heart and character in competing for every ball with a strong Dalton team.

Every player individually had a great moment where they achieved something they never did in a game before. Collectively, it brought our team to a new level. It was also a pretty big U12 field - but we made it very small for our opponents!

But we have so much more to do with your daughters...
-We can play with so much more purpose!
-We talk to the girls about "dancing" and finding your rhythm on the field ... no walking, always moving.
-We talk to the girls about running without the ball to receive a good pass ... never in "dead" space, no zombies out there :-)
-We talk to the girls about passing when they think you're going to dribble, and dribbling when they think you're going to pass ... creativity!
-We talk to the girls about confidence with the ball no matter where it is on the ground or in the air ... wanting that ball more than anyone else.

Lastly, we talk about selflessly playing for each other ... going out there and playing as hard as you can, and raising your hand to get a rest - allowing a teammate the turn to go out and work just as hard. That happened yesterday! (We do have a big team with 15 players - we do appreciate your patience and support as we work on a game system that can give all our players lots of developmental opportunities.)

This week we'll have our regular Tuesday practice from 3:15-5PM at Muddy Brook. However, on Thursday we will be later from 4:30-6PM at Monument Mtn High School. In both practices we will be doing mini-3v3 tournaments in preparation for the Monument Cup on Saturday. We are later on Thursday to give the high school boys and girls some refereeing practice in prep for Saturday. I hope this does not cause too many conflicts.

Thanks for all your support,
Coach Pete

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