Sunday, October 4, 2009

2009-10-03 BHills 1-0 Lee

Our Berkshire Hills "Muddogs" slog to 1-0 home win versus Lee. Some amazing photos of torrential downpour.

2009-09-26 Monument Cup

Fun day at 3v3 tournament! Our teams ended up with combined record of 5 wins, 3 losses, and 1 draw. Actual games pics are mostly of "The Incredibles".

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Monday, September 21, 2009

2009-09-20 Dalton 0-1 BHills

Both Sherrie and I were very proud of our U12 girls this weekend.

I was glad to see things yesterday afternoon. They showed such heart and character in competing for every ball with a strong Dalton team.

Every player individually had a great moment where they achieved something they never did in a game before. Collectively, it brought our team to a new level. It was also a pretty big U12 field - but we made it very small for our opponents!

But we have so much more to do with your daughters...
-We can play with so much more purpose!
-We talk to the girls about "dancing" and finding your rhythm on the field ... no walking, always moving.
-We talk to the girls about running without the ball to receive a good pass ... never in "dead" space, no zombies out there :-)
-We talk to the girls about passing when they think you're going to dribble, and dribbling when they think you're going to pass ... creativity!
-We talk to the girls about confidence with the ball no matter where it is on the ground or in the air ... wanting that ball more than anyone else.

Lastly, we talk about selflessly playing for each other ... going out there and playing as hard as you can, and raising your hand to get a rest - allowing a teammate the turn to go out and work just as hard. That happened yesterday! (We do have a big team with 15 players - we do appreciate your patience and support as we work on a game system that can give all our players lots of developmental opportunities.)

This week we'll have our regular Tuesday practice from 3:15-5PM at Muddy Brook. However, on Thursday we will be later from 4:30-6PM at Monument Mtn High School. In both practices we will be doing mini-3v3 tournaments in preparation for the Monument Cup on Saturday. We are later on Thursday to give the high school boys and girls some refereeing practice in prep for Saturday. I hope this does not cause too many conflicts.

Thanks for all your support,
Coach Pete

2009-09-19 PSC Barcelona 3-3 BHills

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Sunday, September 13, 2009

2009-09-12 Lee 2-3 BHills

Exciting come from behind 3-2 win at Lee on Saturday afternoon. Amazing goalkeeping by Emily and Maria, and hard work by all.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

2009-09-06 BHills 1-2 Adams

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A job well done by everyone today!

I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful Berkshire weather!

A job well done by everyone today! Our loss to Adams 2-1 was the best I've seen us play with everyone giving 110% So proud of the girls!

A little disturbed at the very end of the game as one player sat on field injured while the clock kept ticking - I explained to our girls, "things happen", shake it off, smile and feel glad that we were able to play so well. Game could have gone either way, unfortunately unlucky for us.

Practice will be Tuesday / Thursday 3:15 to 5:00. I will get down to Muddy Brook field by 3:15. For those of you who have goalie gloves, pleas bring them!

We need everyone to participate in goal. We will practice shots on goal, agression drills, and always to include fitness!

Have an a nice weekend. See you on Tuesday. As always, parents, "thank you" for your support!

Coach Sherrie & Coach Jess

Saturday, September 5, 2009

2009-09-05 BHills 5-0 Gateway

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2009-09-05 BHills 5-1 PSC Liverpool

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Good luck in this weekend's Kick Off Classic!

My best wishes to our U-12 Berkshire Hills girls this weekend.

My hope for you is to each try things this weekend that you've never tried before on the soccer field

... a new dribbling move?
... a big shot?
... making like you are going to pass, then dribble instead?
... looking one way, then tricking everyone by passing the other way?
... "smelling" the ball as the 1st defender and yelling "My ball!"?
... walking, then sneakily making a super-fast run into an open "window" to receive a pass?

And remember every thing is more fun when we play for each other, play together, & work hard

... when THEY have the ball, the field gets
really small - pressure!
... when WE have the ball, the field gets
HUGE - sneaky, fast passing to open space

I'll see everyone next week when I get back. Can't wait to see your new skills :-)

Have a great tournament!

Coach Pete

Missing the team while on my trip here in Saudi Arabia

Parents - If you could, please relay this message to your daughters.

Coach Pete misses not being there at practice with them.

All he can think about is their great moves, big kicks, accurate passes, and their overall "trickiness" on the field.

He also can't get Maeven's amazing throw-in from last practice out of his head ... where she looked one way, then quickly turned, let out a primal yell, and threw it down the line for Katie. That kind of stuff is hard to teach.

Have a great practice today!

Coach Pete

Friday, August 14, 2009

First practice today!!!

Beautiful sunny Friday in August - excited to meet the players today.